People across the UK are struggling with the increased cost of living. If you're having financial problems and are struggling with your monthly insurance payments, we’re here to help. Please have a read through the below information to see if we can help you.
Make sure your cover is right for you
If you’re trying to cut your costs and save some money, you should check that your current level of insurance cover is still what you need. If your needs have changed, you could look at reducing or amending some of your cover options, which may lower your insurance price. You can do this at any time during your policy term, but it’s important to make sure the cover still meets your demands and needs, and that the information that you provide us with is accurate.
At renewal, you should also check any optional extras that you have added to your policy. If you no longer need them, you can remove these to reduce your price.
Struggling to pay for your insurance?
We’ll always try our best to support you in any way we can. If you’re worried about your insurance payments, please let us know as soon as possible (for example, if your financial situation has changed).
If you’re paying monthly, please contact PremFina, your finance provider directly to discuss how they may be able to help. Click here to find the best ways to get in touch with them.
Please don't cancel any payments or direct debits through your bank, as this can affect your policy with us and may also affect your credit rating and your ability to borrow money in the future.
Money worries? There are experts there to help
If you’d like some help managing your finances more generally, you can get free impartial debt advice from leading experts, we’ve put together a list below to help you.
General Advice for Households:
Debt support:
For more general support, please click here to contact us.
Keywords: Cost of living, payments, financial support, finances, help, direct debits, struggling to pay, debt