What changes can I make?
You can make changes on either your customer portal or with a member of our Customer Service team. When you have logged into the portal, you can change or amend the following policy details without having to pay a £35 administration fee. This £35 administration fee will apply if you ring our contact centre to make a change.
You can amend the following policy details through your customer portal:
- Personal and contact details
- Amend your occupation
- Change your address
- Add a driver to your policy including claims and convictions
- Amend an additional driver’s details
- Amend your current mileage
- Amend your insurance cover and usage of your vehicle
- Change your vehicle (please note, you may be charged if you change your vehicle)
- Change your password
If you’d like to make a change that is detailed above, please contact our Customer Service team. For more information on how to access your portal, please see our Customer Portal section.
Will changing my policy affect my premium?
There may be an additional premium or a return premium, depending on whether the change to your policy affects our underwriter’s view of the risk represented. Our insurance underwriter takes into account different risks and uses this to determine the risk and likelihood of a claim. This may mean even a small change, which you might deem insignificant (e.g. a slightly different car model, age of car or a different address), can result in a change of premium.
Please be aware that we charge a £35 administration fee when you call our contact centre to change policy details rather than changing them yourself online via the customer portal.
Keywords: amend, change, add driver, details, online account, customer portal