Why not watch our helpful video on improving your speed score?
- The best way you can improve your speed score is to make sure you’re always driving within the legal speed limit for the road you’re on. There’s a strong correlation between speeding and accidents, so you’re less likely to be involved in a serious incident if you’re going at an appropriate speed. Remember, speed limits are in place for a reason, so driving within the legal speed limit means you’re travelling at a safe speed for that area – and your score will thank you for it.
- While it’s important to stay within the legal maximum speed limit, this doesn’t necessarily mean the limit given is the safest for that road. For example, a country road may have a limit of 60mph, but it may also have sharp bends that make it risky to drive at 60mph. When judging the right speed, look around for hazards like bends, vulnerable road users, bad weather conditions and whether it’s dark – these are all factors that might mean you need to slow down below the speed limit.
- Knowing your limits is equally as important if you drive the same route regularly. If you do the same journey regularly, you may find yourself speeding without realising because your brain is on auto-pilot. Remain alert and aware of your speed, even if you’ve been on the same road 1000 times before, to make sure you’re improving your Driving Behaviour Score and staying safe on the road.
Keywords: speed, speeding, DBS, behaviour, driving score, tips