Slow down gradually

Why not watch our helpful video on improving your braking score?


  • Slowing down gradually is the best way to avoid having to brake harshly to a stop, so make sure you give yourself plenty of time. When you see a hazard, junction or roundabout coming up ahead, begin to act by decreasing your acceleration and going into second gear – this will slow the car naturally. Begin to brake gently, getting firmer as you get nearer to the hazard. If you need to stop, hold the brake down completely to a safe stop. By braking like this, you’ll see a positive effect on your score.
  • If you see anything ahead that could be a hazard, react as early as you can to avoid any last-minute braking. Having your foot by your brake can save you precious time if a hazard suddenly presents itself and give you time to slow down.
  • If you find yourself struggling to slow down enough when you need to, your brakes might not be responding enough. If you think this might be the case, take your car to a local garage to get them tested – your brakes legally have to perform to a certain standard. It’s also important to know your own brakes, as some cars make brake differently to others. Always tailor your driving to your brakes – if you know your car takes longer to stop, give yourself that extra time.


 Keywords: DBS, driving score, behaviours, brake, hints, tips, break